
About Me

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I'm from Los Angeles and I have been over weight my whole life. Now as you keep reading soon I won't have to worry about it! :)
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Side note: I think we all should be reminded of

I believe that there is something that needs to be brought to all of our attentions.
With all of this obsession with weight loss and how women should look I would like to take the time to write this.

You are beautiful regardless. Weight really has nothing to do with it. Beauty is laughter, and humor and intelligence. It's being unique and enjoying stupid crap. 

This bullshit society has put us through is awful. 

I'm pretty sure Kiera Knightly is only doing what society is telling her to do. That thin is in, and weather you want to be comfortable in your own skin is not where you should be.

People I'm telling you we are losing sight of what is important. And doing HCG has taught me that it's not the weight I need to lose. It's the health I need to gain.!!

I need to point out that extreme dieting is harmful and can take rule of our mentality. I have a friend who is anorexic and it's scary.

You have to understand this diet is for us to change our mentality of health and gorging out.

You also have to understand that anorexia is the same as obesity I do not care who you are. Eating disorders are all the same and are very unhealthy. I hope you are trying HCG to be healthy.

because all in all it is a cure for obesity.

thank you for reading-

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